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Saturday, May 27, 2006

Muackzie Muackzie Muackz

Oh damnit, has anyone caught wind of www.colinandkero.blogspot.com? A couple of my juniors mentioned it to me over MSN last night, and I nearly choked on my fishballs reading the kind of stuff these two boys blog about.

Colinandkero.blogspot is an combined version of all the ah-lian-tYpeZ-like-theesh-with-lotsa-lurrve, darlingz-i-lub-you-so-lets-set-up-a-blog-together, and lets-promote-gay-awareness-because-we-deserve-it blogs that filled the blog scene in Singapore. It's horrible.

These are two idiotic pretty boys who think their childish little foray into hand-holding, muackzing, neoprinting and strawberry ice blended sweetshits is LOVE, and they actually make an attempt to show their relationship in a blog which is -almost- purely to show off. What the hell? They've only been together for what's coming to a month, and suddenly they're Meg Ryan and (insert any dumb Hollywood white male)? What are they, the Gay Bible?
I am not really homophobic as you may think... but this is not my cup of tea watching photos of two guys kissing each other. It's like watching real life brokeback. That sucks.

I thought, for once, they are all lovey dovey, but after going through their gay bible "love diary" (love diary seems more politically correct) I found out that Kero is the bubblegum cute underage-acting "gal" in the relationship, while Colin is the bastard sexual driven average male "guy".

Looks like even gays have "straight" kind of relationship problems.

First Month Anniversary
Kero (the bubblegum cute underage-acting "gal"):
I am so excited lorhz, dear and I are going to celebratez our first month anniversary sooon worh! Omg, I cannot wait, can? We've been together for 1 month liao lehz, so long ritez??? But it feels like a few weeks only lor, about 4 weeks lidat, dunno why so fast lehz. Through this 1 month, dearz and I have been through so much, I feel like we are going to be together forever can??? MUACKZ I lub lub lub yooo darling! We've been thru arguments (because he like Tamagotchi, I like Digimon... so sad), we've had romantic dinners (like that night Fish and Co, so high class rite!), we've been through people staring at us on the streets (like wah lau, two guys hold hands oso must stare stare... we never ask for it lorh).
But I will ENDURE! Muackz! Anything for my dearz~
I have been bugging dear about what to get me for our 1 month anniversary... I think I told him I want flowers la, dinner at Ritz Carlton la, sashimi buffet la... quite reasonable lor, I think. Every month we're together is time for celebration! Muackz! I think I know what he's going to get me lor, confirm pluz chop is the Topman shirt he say turns him on. Teeheex, I quite shy about this lor, 'turn on' like very dirty word lidat lehz. But I hopez not lor, I think first month anniversary should have flowers, chocolates and things like that.
To me, la, I know dear has different expectations. I will give dear my lub lub and my heart heart, because I lub him soo much! These material things don't mean anything one, can, only love and kisses! Muackz, I love you dear!
I sent dear this sms last night: "Harlo dearz, muackz muackz muackz. Missing you alot can???? Anw, I want to ask you what you want for our 1st Anniversary?" Then his reply very hard to understand lor... "Muackz dear. U noe what I want, dun pretend k?? I w buy the cdm. and lube, on anniversary night then you give me the present k??"
I dunno what he wantz leh! Everytime I ask him, then he like "I told you the other nitez liao". But he never leh!
Anw, I think our relationship is going very well! Kisses, hugs, chocolate, flower.... very sweet can anot??? We can go on forever like this, hor???

Colin (The bastard sexual driven average male "guy"):
I don't know how much longer I'm going to have to put up this idiotic act. I mean, "muackz muackz, lub yoo darling"? What the hell. It was quite sweet, initially... I mean, you can't deny Kero is one of the sweetest creatures around, it's all flowers, chocolates, hugs and pixie dust with him around... now it's just a tired charade. The old fool really has it going in Never Never land, I sometimes wonder if, you know, I'm ever going to get it out of him.
He's not easy to handle, I have to admit. I have to act like I'm high on caffeine everytime I see him, have to pander to his "open to the world" queeniness on the streets. Hand-holding, kissing, neoprints... It's all so public, and then this stupid BLOG. I meant to keep it quiet, you know, like it was with Chris (THAT was one good fuck if I've ever had one)... but Kero is just loud, whacking his queer thumbprint everywhere and anywhere. I can't deny I've had fun playing along, you don't feel quite as liberated unless you're tramping around the streets with a tiara on your head. There's a difference between being out, which I am, and being open, which is a side of myself Kero has helped me release. A release, I suppose, that's quite welcome, but is at the hefty price of having to look and sound like a total idiot online.
And then, there's the kissing. The kissing is different. Kero isn't quite as serious about it, there's nothing sexual in his 'muackz'. It's all sugary, sweet, pinkish... you can taste the caramel and candy with each peck he lands on my lips. He says he loves me, I don't doubt it, but since when is it ever about love? With Chris, a kiss was a kiss; just that, raw sexual energy, probing tongue, wet, sloppy, trying to suck the life out of me- it gave us both huge kicks. Chris never said "I love you", and even if he did, he loved my body, my face, more than anything else. I liked that. It was honest. Kero... Kero's always living in his soap operas. I think you get the idea.
It's gonna be our 1st Month Anniversary, something I bothered to remember only because Kero keeps bugging me about it. Honestly, what's the big deal about 1 month? I hardly see him, anyway, 1 month is really about 2 weeks. Anyway, I'm gonna use our anniversary night as the litmus test for how long I can survive with him. I need the sex, he's too cute to let go just like that. If anything about being together for 1 month amazes me, it's the celibacy. Kero's sexual vocabulary is as limited as his sexual appetite, I sometimes wonder if he's gone through puberty. (Note to self: The size of that thing? Quite clearly, and what a magnificent adolescence ) The only time I've seen him in the nude is that night, at my place, after he showered. He came to lie on me, and I was hoping for something to develop out of that, but the silly boy just fell asleep. He's like a puppy. Yeah, that's the word. Puppy. He's mired deep in puppy love, and I want a little more big doggy action, if you get what I mean.
Don't look at me like that, I am not crass. It's reality, people. He will not survive in this world of ours if he's gonna serenade all his future boyfriends with that saccharine cutesiness of his. He's gotta give a little this, a little that, and with that talented member of his, what a waste if it goes underused. I've dropped hints... "dear, where do you keep the lube?" (met with: "huh? what lube?")... "dear, do you top or bottom?" ("you are always on top of my world, darling. nites!"). I've tried necking him, but he sticks to pecks, Frenching is as far as he goes, then he just zones out at how passionate it gets. I've tried all sorts of things with my tongue, but he shies away, as if it burns him. I've tried getting dirty with my hands, but he steers the action away to deep, quiet hugging. Save me, save me, I'm dying in my libido.
This anniversary will be the test of my patience. He will yield, or I will yield- and two time, three-time, who knows? God knows if I love him, I don't know. Is there love without passion? Passion without the sex? I don't know... Chris, Andrew, Wei Liang... excellent bottoms (real screamer, that Andrew), but ultimately flat-lined sweethearts. Yes, maybe I do love Kero, but I don't know what love is, or how long I can go on... The blog (damn the BLOG) is killing me, it's embarrassing. He loves it, of course, loves the attention, like a kid on stage for the church Christmas play. I don't. The blog, it's pointless, pointless, hurts me to keep screaming "I lub yoo I lub yoo" when we haven't consummated anything.
I guess if he loves me, he will yield, and once I give it to him, and he to me, he'll never stop asking for it. If he's as sweet in bed as he is in Orchard road, I think I'm going to get very addicted to him. Strawberry flavoured frappacinos, yum yum. Meanwhile, MUACKZ, dear.

Life is lovely with my kero, muAcckZ~~~! Colin

Rock on.

7:25 AM*
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Name:  Loo Kit Fan (The vocalist)
Age: 18  
D.O.B: 17.12.86
Blood Type: A+ 
School : Nanyang Polytechnic 
Course: Business Informatics

Valentine: None in sight  
Current Duties: Rock Band with Keeran, Art, Halif and Amir at Riff'd, School And Friendship.

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